Rotarian, Rev. Leo Hughes of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Arnprior, Ont. is partnering with the Arnprior Lions Club to sell his massive collection of Coca-Cola memorabilia to help raise money to buy a CT scanner for the local hospital.
Prior to her recent passing, Leo’s wife Margaret had to endure lengthy delays in receiving a CT scan.  Largely for this reason, Leo and Margaret were both determined to help acquire a unit locally in Arnprior. 

This is an amazing, very personal human interest story, wonderfully timed for Christmas, that captures the spirit of small town community giving and caring…which is what Leo is all about. Anyone who hasn’t already been to the Arnprior Mall to visit Leo’s decades-long (some might say quirky!) obsession with Coca-Cola is urged to do so soon before all the good stuff is gone…it will bring a genuine smile to your face!

Quite deservedly, our Leo Hughes has become a news sensation.

The attached CTV Ottawa piece aired Tuesday night:

Subsequently, interviews have run on CTV Toronto and CTV nationally and on CBC Ottawa morning radio.Hats off to the Arnprior Lions for the hard work and thought that has gone into this fund raiser. It has only been 2 weeks and as of yesterday they have raised $10,000 towards their goal of $20000 by the end of Jan for the CT scanner.