Rotary Great lakes Watershed Cleanup
Rotary Club of Arnprior Cleans up Algonquin Trail and “Unplugged” Kids Clean up Galilee Beach
On Sept 25, 2021 a dozen Club members, family and friends of Rotary gathered to clean up sites that could pollute local waterways.  Also participating in the cleanup as part of an educational outing were 10 children and guardians of the Unplugged Program of St John Lutheran Church.
Some of the cleanup crew on the Algonquin Trail in Braeside. Rod Smith, Gerhard Peters, Jane Peters, Bill Sellers, Vila Smith, Terry Dawson, Bruce Buie, Dave Palmer and Pushpa (bottom row)
An initiative of the Club’s newly minted Environment Committee, approximately 275kg of trash was carted away with considerable effort from the Algonquin Trail (former CP rail line) adjacent to the Arnprior Landfill near Braeside.  Afterward, the group gathered for a much deserved lunch at Betty’s Chips in Braeside overlooking the extraordinarily beautiful – and cleaner - Ottawa River.
Unplugged children cleaning up the Beach along the Ottawa River at the Galilee Centre in Arnprior
Arnprior Rotary is selling this Cash Calendar whose theme is "Ottawa's Nature Path".  Perfect Stocking Stuffer!
Cost is $20, with half going to our Club for our programs.  Over $20,000 in Cash Prizes and daily prizes from $20 - $200, with 3 special prizes of $1,000.  4,000 Calendars printed.
Contact to order & make an e-transfer.  Local delivery early December, along with our Annual Fruit Cake sales.
How does The Rotary Club of Arnprior help with literacy?
Every fall, all Grade 3 students in Arnprior are presented with a beautifully illustrated dictionary called Dictionary 4 Life. Using these dictionaries helps children develop their facility with the English language, stimulate their interests in exploring how to spell words and find their meanings.
One of the most positive aspects of being able to use a dictionary is that it helps to develop autonomy and confidence in the learner — one of the core goals of education. 

The Rotary Club of Arnprior, working in partnership with the Rotary Club of Newbury in the UK, recently donated 20 desks to schools in Ukerewe, Tanzania so that every child will have a seat and a good learning environment. Each desk cost $24.
Rotary supports activities and training to improve education for all children and literacy for children and adults. The Rotary Foundation enables Rotarians to ensure that all people have sustainable access to basic education and literacy
Recently Arnprior Volunteer Extraordinare Darrel O’Shaughnessy was presented Rotary’s Paul Harris Award by Rotary District Governor Fay Campbell and Rotary Club of Arnprior President Vila Smith at an end of summer gathering.
The Arnprior Rotary Club is pleased to announce that Darrel O’Shaughnessy has been given the prestigious Paul Harris Award for his volunteer efforts within the Arnprior Community over the last decade. 

In 2011 Darrel and his wife Betty were involved with the creation of the successful Arnprior Dragon Boat Club (ADBC) which in 2015 led to the annual Arnprior Dragon Boat Festival.  More recently he was instrumental in successfully launching Canada’s 22nd Men’s Shed in 2019.  He currently serves as Chair of the Greater Arnprior Senior's Council (GASC) and has positions on the Town of Arnprior's Corporate Services Advisory Committee and the Senior’s Active Living Centre (SALC) Advisory Committee. 
Congratulations to the Grade 8 Students who received Rotary's 4-Way Test Award, acknowledging that they exemplify the tenets of Test that Rotarians attempt to live by. Thanks to Delta Bingo for assisting with the financing of the gift of the Notebook that went with the Award.
These children are saying "Asanti Sana' (Thank You).
A year ago, four members of the Rotary Club of Newbury, UK visited the island of Ukerewe in Lake Victoria, Tanzania to evaluate previous projects. Following this visit they launched an appeal for support to supply primary schools with desks and benches. Thanks to donations from a number of Rotary Clubs, including Arnprior, they have been able to supply 126 desks and benches to 5 primary schools.

The teachers are so pleased and have appealed for more desks.  Currently the Newbury Club is looking to supply at least 100 more desks.
Jeanette Grant received a Paul Harris Award in recognition of Jeanette’s many volunteer activities since she & David moved to Arnprior in 2008.
  • Joined with 3 other Breast Cancer survivors to form Prior Chest Nuts, which included applying for & receiving Trillium Grant of $28,500 for startup funds
  • Volunteering at Library led to becoming a Board member
  • Also involved at Hospital Auxiliary, Opp Shop, Grance St Andrew’s United Church & fun with Red Hats
Despite COVID & ALS, Jeanette continues with gardening & sending Birthday Cards to church’s children
From Jeanette:“Volunteering has been part of my life since I was a child.I love being with people who do things to help make the community be a good living experience.”
2021 Stories