A second load of donated medical supplies including wheel chairs, walkers and other materials was delivered to Rotarian Peter Labelle in Cornwall.  These supplies were added to others collected by the Rotary Club of Cornwall-Sunrise and delivered to Toronto for shipment in a container to Beirut on October 26, 2020. The value of the medical supplies collected through the Rotary Club of Arnprior alone is estimated to be well in excess of $70,000.
At this time, the Rotary Club would like to offer our sincerest THANKS to our partners that helped assemble all these donations: Ed Byers, County of Renfrew Paramedic Service; Lorna Byers, Rotary Club of Eganville; Darell O’Shaughnessy and Glenn Arthur of the Arnprior Seniors Active Living Centre and Arnprior Regional Health; John Wilson, Rotary Club of Renfrew; and Joyce Dawson, Friend, Rotary Club of Arnprior.  A resounding shout out to all of you!